
In the MENA region, the MISK Innovation Hub, is dynamically propelling growth in startups and steering the course of innovation. MISK 500 MENA Accelerator ,positioned as a beacon for young entrepreneurs seeking to transform their ideas into prosperous businesses. We will meticulously explore the significance, goals, and the extraordinary journey that the MISK 500 MENA Accelerator. With its focus on MISK, undertakes.

MISK Innovation:

Shedding light on the invaluable opportunities it offers to startups in the area. Collaborative efforts of Misk Innovation and 500 Startups are encouraged. Together, they form a robust alliance committed to accelerating innovation and entrepreneurship in the MENA region. Leveraging proven Silicon Valley growth techniques, this partnership aims to propel a select batch of young MENA-based companies. It is helpting them in the critical processes of scaling and fundraising.

The Misk 500 MENA Accelerator, with focus on MISK, extends its doors to MENA-based pre-seed and seed technology startups. This targeted accelerator caters specifically to seed-stage tech startups operating within or expanding into the dynamic Saudi market. The primary objective is to propel these startups onto a rapid growth trajectory through a meticulously designed intensive training program. “This program offers a hybrid experience, seamlessly blending in-person and virtual components. Consequently, participants benefit from a versatile learning environment that caters to diverse preferences and ensures comprehensive engagement. “Participants can expect to engage with various training modules covering essential aspects such as business strategy and product development.

Who founded MISK Innovation?

Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman founded Misk Innovation. A division of the Misk Foundation, to empower Saudi Arabia’s youth in the areas of innovation, technology, and science. On the other side, 500 Startups is a well-known global startup accelerator and venture capital firm. This specializes in assisting early-stage businesses.


The Misk 500 MENA Accelerator is a joint venture between 500 Startups and Misk Innovation. Two prominent organizations dedicated to promoting innovation and entrepreneurship.


The MISK 500 MENA Accelerator Program, which aims to support MENA region early-stage entrepreneurs.


The main objective of Misk 500 MENA Accelerator is to boost the expansion of startups within the MENA region. By supplying them with the required resources, mentorship, and global network interaction. The program’s objectives are to support emerging companies, encourage knowledge sharing, and foster an innovative culture to promote economic development.

Among the Misk 500 MENA Accelerator’s main goals are:

Supporting Early-Stage Startups:

The Misk 500 MENA Accelerator is dedicated to discovering and supporting bright, new businesses with innovative solutions. Furthermore, the program’s objective is to accelerate their growth trajectory by providing them financial support. It also provides the appropriate resources and strategic direction. This comprehensive approach aims to empower these startups. Fostering not just their immediate success but also laying the groundwork for sustainable long-term growth.

Creating a Strong Ecosystem

In the continually evolving landscape of the MENA region, the accelerator assumes a pivotal and indispensable role, serving as a catalyst for the development of a robust entrepreneurial ecosystem. Positioned strategically at the forefront of this transformative movement is the Misk 500 MENA Accelerator.

Functioning as a key driver of innovation, the accelerator actively engages with emerging startups, acting as a bridge between visionary entrepreneurs and the dynamic pathway to success. In this pivotal position, the Misk 500 MENA Accelerator plays a central role in shaping the narrative of entrepreneurial growth and innovation in the region. Operating as a catalyst for innovation, it is uniquely poised to bridge the critical gap between visionary entrepreneurs and the pathway to success. Serving as a transformative force, the accelerator identifies opportunities. It also actively propels forward-thinking individuals toward the realization of their entrepreneurial visions.

Guiding Growth: Misk 500 MENA Accelerator’s Strategic Nexus for Startups

Functioning as a pivotal nexus for growth and collaboration, the accelerator actively connects, empowers, and propels startups to unprecedented achievements. Misk 500 is growing through strategic partnerships, meticulously designed programs, and impactful thought leadership initiatives. Misk 500 MENA Accelerator stands as a guiding beacon for emerging businesses in the intricate terrain of the regional entrepreneurial landscape. With a focused mission, the accelerator seamlessly links entrepreneurs with seasoned mentors, visionary investors, and industry experts. Through collaborative initiatives, it provides a dynamic platform, propelling startups towards unparalleled growth and sustainable success.

Global Exposure:

Misk 500 MENA Accelerator’s distinctive focus on granting startups global recognition is one of its unique aspects. Consequently, this initiative not only opens doors for global collaborations but also provides unparalleled access to 500 Startups’ extensive network of investors. Moreover, extending beyond the extensive network of investors, this program goes a step further by offering hands-on guidance from seasoned mentors. By combining global exposure with personalized mentorship, the accelerator ensures that startups not only gain access to resources but also receive expert insights for navigating the complexities of the global market.

Fosters not only have valuable connections but also imparts a wealth of knowledge. Additionally, participants not only gain exposure to potential collaborators but also evolve into integral contributors to a unique ecosystem, propelling innovation and ensuring sustained growth.

Product Packages

The Misk 500 MENA Accelerator program divides into multiple phases and usually lasts for several months, To optimize the impact on participating startups. The following, enumerated below, are the program’s essential elements:

Thorough Training: Misk 500 go through rigorous training covering a range of topics related to investor relations, market strategy, and business development. Find out more accelerator packages here.


Throughout the program, each startup is paired with experienced mentors, who play a pivotal role by offering invaluable advice and assistance. This mentoring component is particularly essential for guiding founders through obstacles, providing them with personalized support, and assisting them in making wise choices. By fostering this mentorship dynamic, the program ensures that startups not only receive expertise but also gain a strategic edge in navigating challenges and making informed decisions.

Investment Opportunities: The Misk 500 MENA Accelerator, in addition to fostering growth and collaboration, provides a means for entrepreneurs to obtain capital to support their expansion.” This could involve participation in demo days, introductions to possible investors, or direct investments from the accelerator.

Networking Events:

To facilitate startups in connecting with influential figures in their respective industries, the program organizes various engagement opportunities such as pitch sessions, industry meet-ups, and networking events. Consequently, gaining visibility and forming strategic partnerships become achievable outcomes of this exposure. By actively participating in these events, startups not only showcase their innovations but also position themselves for meaningful collaborations, fostering a conducive environment for growth and success.

Job Postings:

3430 Jobs created by startups

Do you have a strong desire to support emerging MENA businesses and promote innovation?

Participate in influencing the direction of entrepreneurship by joining the Misk 500 MENA Accelerator team.


The program’s physical hub is strategically situated in an ideally bustling, tech-centric neighborhood. As a result, companies gain not only physical space but also access to a thriving community that actively fosters innovation and expansion. In this dynamic setting, startups find a conducive environment for collaboration, idea exchange, and mutual growth, thereby contributing to the overall success and vibrancy of the entrepreneurial ecosystem.



Misk 500 MENA Accelerator success stories are now well-known, demonstrating the revolutionary effect it has had on MENA (Middle East and North Africa) startup ecosystems. These success stories demonstrate how the accelerator can help early-stage businesses achieve expansion, creativity, and global recognition. The following are a few quick summaries of the incredible success stories that the Misk 500 MENA Accelerator has produced:


The goal of Saudi Arabian startup Sary was to transform supply chain management when it joined the Misk 500 MENA Accelerator. Through the accelerator, Sary significantly enhanced operational efficiency and refined their business model by gaining invaluable access to a global network and receiving priceless mentorship. Subsequently, after successfully completing the program, Sary capitalized on these improvements and achievements to secure a sizable amount of funding. This pivotal financial support not only fueled their growth but also played a crucial role in establishing Sary as a major participant in the thriving logistics and e-commerce industry in the area. Consequently, the accelerator not only provided immediate benefits but also set the stage for Sary’s enduring success in the market.

Nawah Scientific

With the help of the Misk 500 MENA Accelerator, Nawah Scientific, an Egyptian startup that provides services for scientific research, was able to increase its influence. The initiative promoted strategic alliances and gave Nawah Scientific the visibility it required to draw in investors. Following the accelerator, Nawah Scientific increased its service offerings and obtained significant funding, both of which helped to advance scientific innovation in the MENA region.


In a business surroundings that is evolving quickly, the Misk 500 MENA Accelerator acts as a drive for growth. The accelerator is contributing significantly to the future development of the MENA region by fostering the next generation of innovators and giving them the resources, they need to be successful. The program will probably have a major impact on the expansion of startups, the creation of jobs, and the general economic development of the area as it develops.


Which kinds of IT businesses fall under the control of the accelerator programs?

The accelerator program caters to a diverse range of tech-focused firms, particularly those at the seed stage. Entrepreneurs are encouraged to apply, especially if their startup is centered around biotech, hardware, AI, software, or other tech-driven solutions. By embracing a wide spectrum of technological innovations, the program creates an inclusive environment that welcomes and supports a myriad of startups, fostering a dynamic ecosystem for growth and collaboration.

Does the accelerator program include any in-person components or is it fully remote?

A hybrid method is used in our curriculum, which provides alternatives for both in-person and remote participation. Startups are free to select the engagement strategy that best fits their requirements.

What distinguishes this accelerated program from others?

A: Our zero-equity model is one unique characteristic. We support empowering entrepreneurs by granting them complete ownership of their businesses without requiring equity.

FAQ block

When the acceleration program usually begins and how long does it last?

The curriculum lasts for a total of three months.

Start Date: The dates of the programs may differ. Visit our website for next programs.

Does applying to the program or taking part in it come with any charges or fees?

Charges: Notably, one distinctive feature is that there aren’t any participation or application fees associated with the accelerator program. Moreover, what truly sets this program apart is its zero-equity business model, ensuring that participating businesses maintain ownership and bear no financial responsibilities to the program. Furthermore, this commitment to a transparent and supportive financial structure allows startups to focus solely on their growth and development without any financial encumbrances. In essence, this financial approach not only fosters an inclusive environment but also enables a level playing field for all startups, irrespective of their financial capacity.

What kind of assistance are companies giving in the program?

Assistance: Notably, startups that take part in the program gain access to a thriving tech environment. Additionally, they benefit from extensive training, networking opportunities, investor introductions, and mentorship from industry leaders. This multifaceted support system is designed to provide participants with a well-rounded experience. Ensuring they have the tools and guidance needed for success in the competitive landscape.

December 7, 2023

  1. Aleksei Dolgikh 9 months ago

    Muhammad Umer Idrees, amazing work, Misk Innovation and 500 Startups is amazing communities!

  2. Vasilii Zakharov 4 months ago

    MISK 500 MENA Accelerator is a vital force in the startup ecosystem of the MENA region.
    This article delves into the accelerator’s transformative impact, its mission to empower young entrepreneurs, and the impressive journey of its portfolio companies.

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